SEO article

seo articleA SEO article is an article that has been tweaked to accommodate search engine optimisation. A good article posted online should aim to harvest a fair number of clicks and impressions, especially if the website where it is published features advertorials that generate revenue for the owner of the website. The more clicks and impressions, the greater the increase in revenue. However, given the very vast amount of material that is posted to the internet every day, search engines such as Google will have to establish criteria to prioritise the content that is generating more interest in its users.

Keywords research

Keyword analysis is important for this reason. Users of Google and other search engines enter keywords into the search bar and the results appear in order of popularity in a given time-span. For this reason, it is important, when designing a piece to be published online, to do some keywords research and try to establish which keywords are most popular within the past few days and which one are prospected to gain popularity in the coming days.

SEO Content Marketing

The purpose of this is to enhance the chances of your SEO article to gain more attention from internet users. This is especially important if the article you have written deals with SEO content marketing. That is, if you are advertising a product. In this case, more clicks will automatically translate to more sales and an overall increase in profits.

Essentially, a SEO article tries to incorporate those keywords that will most likely make it stand out among other articles. There are no unprofitable keywords. All keywords can generate a profit, however, it is important to note that there are some keywords that are estimated to generate more profit (clicks) than others. For this purpose, it is useful to check what others in your field are using and do some proper in-depth research about the most search-engine friendly terminology that you can use in your article.

SEO content writing

SEO content writing can also be achieved by making use of specific tools. Not all content writers are proficient in SEO and it is not an easy skill to learn. For this purpose, several popular online and offline tools have been designed. There are plugin and software’s that you can download or add onto your word processor or browser which will help you locate the parts of your draft that can be rephrased to be more SEO-friendly and to gain greater attention from internet users.

After you have published your finished article, make sure to monitor its reach (that is, clicks and impressions and overall engagement). You can make use of Google Analytics for this and, with time, you will understand which keywords work best for you and your specific area of expertise and which ones are instead less profitable and don’t increase your reach by the margin you expected.

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